(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet except where noted! October 30, 1993 PHASCONJ.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Rick Andersen. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL ABOUT "PHASE CONJUGATION" October 18, 1993 by Rick Andersen Anyone who has read enough about Scalar Electromagnetics, as described in Tom Bearden's books and papers, has noticed that since the late 1980's he has been emphasizing the importance of that mysterious phenomenon known as Phase Conjugation, or Time- Reversal of waves. The old adage that, "The more you know, the more you realize you DON'T know", has proved true for me, time and again-- which means that I was trying hard to understand what Bearden was saying but realized I needed to know more about the subject. So I did some research on Phase Conjugation and found that, lo and behold, Tom wasn't dreaming this up-- you can find out all about it in any science encyclopedia under "Light", and I even found that my Radio Shack book on Lasers had a small section on it. So I decided to put the information into this file for the benefit of other interested researchers who would like the scoop on the subject. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following description is borrowed in part from Radio Shack's LASER book, and in part gleaned from various science encyclopedias, with comments regarding Bearden's works on the subject. ------------------------------------------------------------------ We start out with a narrow, point-like light source-- a laser-- which produces a tight beam which stays tight (minimum diverging of the rays) for great distances. But we know that, as narrow as our coherent laser beam is (in contrast to, say, a flashlight beam), it still DIVERGES perceptibly over distance (or over TIME, if we want to look at it that way, since distance is how far something travels over TIME). Now suppose we want to reflect our beam off a mirror directly facing the laser itself-- so that the beam is reflected exactly back at the laser. Will we "re-capture" all of our tight beam? No, because the beam is still diverging in (positive) time, even after we've changed its direction of travel by reflecting it. There is an instrument designed to reflect such a laser beam back on itself: a Retroreflector. Page 1 A Retroreflector is a double-mirror arrangement that sends light rays back in the direction that they came from-- that is, back to their point of origin. But, being mirrors, although they reflect and change the DIRECTION of the ever-DIVERGING wavefront, the beam itself continues to diverge nonetheless, spreading out over time. Would it ever be possible to reflect the beam in such a way that all that diverging energy would CONVERGE again, somewhat like a reversal of ENTROPY? Or like a reversed-TIME beam? PHASE CONJUGATION PHASE CONJUGATION is an operation that can be performed on light waves, so that they reflect back, like a Retroreflector, but with some unusual properties. It generates what is called a "conjugate" of an incoming light wave. Viewed on an X-Y graph, the conjugate of a positive angle, say, 45 degrees, is found by reversing the SIGN of the angle: i.e., -45 degrees. Thus the positive angle in the first quadrant of the X-Y graph moves down into the 4th quadrant. (Remember the plastic Protractor you used in high school math? It had the first 2 quadrants, spanning 0 to 180 degrees.) Notice that if we increase an angle from 0 to 45 degrees, we open up the angle in a counterclockwise direction on the graph. Start- ing at 0 and opening an angle to -45, the CONJUGATE angle, moves the angle arrow in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION, clockwise. The phase conjugate wave is essentially a reversed version of the original wave-- the wave is at the same phase and shape, travel- ling in the same path as the incoming wave, but in exactly the opposite direction. The phase difference between any two points of the reversed wave has a sign opposite to that of the phase difference between the same points on the original wave. If the incoming light all came from a small laser spot, the phase- conjugate wave will return to that same spot. That may sound exactly like retroreflection. However, it is actually a TIME-REVERSED version of the original wave, reconstruc- ting the light's phase and amplitude. Because of the way the phase-conjugate wave recreates the original wave, it automatically compensates for things that happened to the laser beam om its trip from the laser out into the distance. Light diverging out from a source may experience distortions; the phase conjugate wave experiences the same distortions, but in the opposite direction, as if it is going backwards in time. Thus the spread-out light in the phase conjugate beam re-CONVERGES in focus on the light source. Physicists involved in nonlinear optics call this the "Distortion Correction Theorem". It is actually Time-Reversal, as is pointed out by several writers. HISTORY OF THE PHENOMENON American scientists first learned about phase conjugation in the early 1970's. Researchers at the P. N. Lebedev Physical Insti- Page 2 tute, Moscow, U.S.S.R., led by Boris Ya Zel'dovich, had discovered an intriguing phenomenon in 1972: The scientists distorted an intense beam of red light from a pulsed ruby laser by directing it through a frosted glass pane. The distorted light was then sent down a long tube filled with methane gas under high pressure. Interactions occurred between the beam and the molecules of the gas (stimulated Brillouin scattering) and, acting as a mirror, the gas reflected the beam backward. When the reflected light passed back through the same piece of frosted glass, a nearly perfect, undistorted optical beam emerged. The backward-traveling wave is, in essence, a time-reversed replica of the original incident wave. To explain by way of analogy, we might compare the retracing of light waves back through the distorting media as "running a movie backward". As described by Shkunov and Zel'dovich: "The relation between the wave fronts of two mutually reversed waves is analogous to the relation between the positions of two opposing armies on a military map. The front line of each army coincides with that of the other, and the directions of desirable movement are opposite. One can say that the front lines are mutually reversed: a convex part of one's army front corresponds to a concave part of the other." Tom Bearden maintains that this Time Reversed wave carries with it all the magical properties one would expect of energy that is flow- ing BACKWARD IN TIME... HOW DO WE MAKE A PHASE CONJUGATE MIRROR? We need a NONLINEAR MEDIUM, that is, one in which waves do not simply linearly superpose (co-exist as if the other were not there), but MODULATE one another, which implies multiplication of amplitudes as well as the possible generation of harmonic frequencies. In optics this has been done by beaming high-powered laser light through certain gases (Bearden mentions IONIZED gas), possibly under pressure, as explained above. Other examples of nonlinear materials are semiconductors, crystals, liquids, plasmas (ionized gases), liquid crystals, aerosols (as in the atmosphere), and atomic vapors. The term NONLINEAR medium here means a medium that is altered or affected by light. Linear materials are not affected, under usual conditions. The two techniques most used in the generation of phase-conjugate waves are "Stimulated Brillouin Scattering" and "Degenerative 4-Wave Mixing" (the latter also mentioned by Bearden). Both rely on the laser's ability to interact with the nonlinear optical properties of a specific medium. When a material-- gas, liquid, or solid-- is penetrated by light of intensity great enough to compete with the atomic forces that bind the material together, the material is modified, as is also the light penetrating it. This nonlinear interaction generates the SBS or DFWM time-reversed waves. Page 3 In SBS (Stimulated Brillouin Scattering), the modified material generates SOUND waves that serve as an appropriate reflective surface to produce the time-reversed waves. (Traditionally, the frequency of scattered light has been regarded as identical to that of the incident light. As is often the case, this is not true in actuality. As first predicted by Brillouin in 1914, a slight line broadening occurs due to motion of the scatterers --Doppler effect-- and also due to variations in the directions or magnitudes of their polarizability tensors [due to chemical reactions]. The Brillouin effect, simply stated, is as follows: Upon the scattering of monochromatic radiation (light of one color or electromagnetic waves of one frequency), a DOUBLET is produced, in which the frequency of each of the two lines diff- ers from the frequency of the original line by the same amount, one having a higher frequency, and the other having a lower frequency. (Radio technicians will recognize a description of a CARRIER wave surrounded by an upper and lower SIDEBAND here... Is there a hidden secret here as to how we might generate a phase-conjugate wave using conventional radio transmission techniques??) In Degenerative 4-Wave Mixing, which Bearden describes in his books, the interaction uses a holographic process in a nonlinear material to generate the conjugate waves. As Bearden describes it, two "pump" waves are beamed at one another through the non- linear medium. The pump waves "lock" or modulate one another, producing Bearden's "Scalar Stress Wave". Next, a 3rd, weaker beam is input into the system (at a 90 degree angle to the pump waves, if I understand him correctly), and this setup generates the Phase Conjugate wave which backtracks down the path taken by the 3rd wave, but at a greater intensity or amplitude than the weak, "tickler" 3rd wave. Bearden cites the literature in saying that up to ALL the energy inputted to the system via the two "pump" waves can be transferred into the phase conjugate output wave-- and so a powerful, time-reversed wave can be produced from a relatively weak "tickler" input. Of course, power still has to be put in at the pump waves-- but, says Bearden, what if we use the powerful and limitless Scalar Stresses of the fiery core of the Earth itself-- stimulated via Tesla-type resonance-- as our pump waves? Then it would appear that we can input a tiny input wave and extract enormous Phase Conjugate energy out! But back to our description. While our scientists have been exploring the phenomena and tech- niques for producing phase conjugated waves in the OPTICAL freq- uencies, Tom Bearden asserts that the Soviets (and perhaps the Germans before them, during WW2) have developed the technology at MICROWAVE and RADAR frequencies. Here the effect is probably generated by means of certain solid (not gaseous) materials and/or crystalline substances (Bearden refers to them as RAM-- Radar Absorbent Materials.) Think on this a while and you'll see the tremendous potential for Star-Wars-type directed energy beam weapons... Bearden also points out that the equations imply that Phase Conj- Page 4 ugation is a general phenomenon, occurring in all types of waves, not just electromagnetic. Even sound waves, which are Longitudinal or Compression/Rarefaction waves in the density of air molecules, can be and evidently have been phase conjugated to produced "acou- stic missiles" which CONVERGE on their targets and blast them with the full energy that they had when they were first generated. On the stranger end of the spectrum, we have the possibility for Time-Reversal effects on the local area and/or in biological systems (like people). Bearden forsees a time when electromag- netic healing will be used on a large scale, in which future physicians will irradiate the patient with time-reversed EM "disease signatures" or patterns; the reversal transforms them into HEALING patterns in the same way that our laser beam was distortion-corrected by sending its phase conjugate pattern back down the distortion path. Perhaps even AGING may be reversed in this way... or the flow of Time itself... This may be the beginning of the Engineering of Reality itself! ----------------------- End of File ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5