(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet except where noted! March 21, 1992 SWISSML.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file courteously shared with KeelyNet through the efforts of Mr. Brian Prothro. It is a direct translation from German to English of the Testatika video tape generated by the European Methernitha group. The Testatika is a free energy device based on the general principle of the Wimshurst generator. Two counter rotating disks generate high voltage which is collected and tapped off to provide energy up to 10KW depending on the physical size of the unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Swiss M-L Converter - (Meterneta Audio Tape1) As transcribed from European format video tape [1] This is the Testavistatika, an apparatus, with whose help so- called "free energy" can be made usable. The Testavistatika is a development of the spiritual union Meterneta, established in 1960 in Linden as a cooperative society under this name. A department for research, development and electronics within Meterneta has concerned itself since its inception with the problem of alternative energy. This refers to making the power of nature available and unlocking energy sources with suitable technologies for the greatest benefit of mankind without negatively affecting the ecological balance of nature in any way, for technology should serve people, which it cannot do if it is negatively disposed towards nature. The research group within Meterneta works completely autonomously and is financed with the cooperative society's own resources, without any outside assistance. The most efficient use of wind energy possible was the first partial goal in the research program of Meterneta. Here generators with quick stimulation were developed, so that even lower rotation speeds in connection with weak air movement charge up the storage battery cells. The utilization of energy from flowing water also kept the research group busy, although more as a hobby. The main matter here was to translate the lower rotation speeds of the water driven wheel with as little loss of energy as possible so far that the generator's excitation threshold could be exceeded. Page 1 Solar cells and solar collectors have occupied our research group for a long time now. Nevertheless, superlative work is being accomplished in this area from many sides, so that Meterneta has concentrated the main effort of its entire research program on the utilization of less known (or even unknown) energy sources for over twenty years now. The result of this research work is the Testatika, of which you all will have heard already. How does it come to be that Meterneta as a private organization is investing so much time, interest, perseverance, as well as financial resources, in its research? Research and development are integrated constituents of Meterneta's ideal fixing of goals. In order to make these ideal goals comprehensible, we would like to briefly introduce the spiritual union of Meterneta as a group of people living and working together. Linden is a peaceful farming community, of which there are dozens in the region of Emmental. Yet a life-style capable of filling more and more people worldwide with enthusiasm and which continues to astonish by means of its functional ability in extremely difficult situations is at home here in Linden. The genesis of Meterneta is also to a large extent the history of Paul Baumann. By means of his extraordinary technical abilities, as well as his surprising practical wisdom, he acquired connections in every direction to people with ideals, and soon the idea to establish a self-help organization took form. Like-minded people joined together in the name of God the Almighty and founded a cooperative society, which was supposed to lay down the spiritual union's basis for existence. We wish to be a united people of brothers to be divided in no difficulty or danger. This is what the solemn pledge says. The prerequisites to be included were the renunciation of alcohol and nicotine and the will, according to the example of early Christian principles, to realize a harmonious community life without strife and discord. Meterneta is the ideal possibility for members to realize a life characterized by an active love for one's fellow man. A workshop building was erected. One building after the other grew up quickly. The construction was accomplished by Meterneta's own labor and jointly gained resources. Meterneta is an undertaking with several commercial operations and real-estate worth millions today. The people who work here are almost without exception members of Meterneta. This blossoming economic development, however, was never capable of impairing or even suppressing its ideal setting of goals from above. On the contrary, all work together in their own interest with diligence and joy in building up and maintaining their home, according to the axiom: "One for all and all for one". One can surmount everything with this word and the old truths reappear and become important again. The people here feel like the members of a large family, like a community sharing the same destiny, as well as proud and also thankful owners of their own beautiful home, which they are allowed Page 2 to fashion in any way they desire. It is evident that this form of human communal living based on ideals can exist. How can the realization of a serious religious concept of life reconcile itself harmoniously with successful economic management? This is not obvious, to be sure. Many people see themselves confronted with this genuine problem in their tight social and economic entanglements and drive for material goods. A member of Meterneta's board of directors made the following comment in response to this very matter: "For me the most surprising thing, which this life-style generates, is that the essential things function automatically among us, solely because of our inner conviction that each one cares for and is there for the other. It is something to marvel at." And a wonder within Meterneta is also the Testatika, the result of over twenty years of research and the secret of all secrets. You see here the members of the research group who have participated in its development. Paul Baumann, who contributed much to this invention with his advanced abilities and his above-average knowledge concerning the workings of the laws of nature and his extraordinarily fine perception, also belongs in this group. The miracle was lying in wait within nature. Nature is the greatest force and source of knowledge for mankind and it still conceals many secrets today, which it surrenders up only to those, who approach and link themselves to it with the greatest respect and sense of responsibility. In order to understand nature and to perceive her voice, man is directed to quiet and solitude. And the knowledge required for this technology was created there. For this reason it has always been a great desire of Meterneta to own sites close to nature in the valley, in the forest and on the lake, in order to explore nature itself and the Creator of All undisturbed in tranquility and concentration. This was never quite accurately understood by the public. It was falsely interpreted as seclusion, i.e. that we had something shady to hide. Yes, it was even begrudged us, so that we always had the greatest trouble (and still do today) to be able to realize in an undisturbed way all that, which we have undertaken for ourselves. What we learn in and from nature is of the greatest use, not only for ourselves, but also for everyone, because everything positive continues to have an effect on the basis of its inner laws. Such research and development work requires a considerable financial outlay. For this reason we have often had to make do with the simplest technical resources. We collect those things which the society of prosperity has thrown away, and we are establishing a corner-stone for new forces and truths. We have been permitted to have the experience that the finest and most colossal results can be reached especially with the simplest means. We have never demanded any foreign financial help, for we want to remain free Swiss citizens and to not allow ourselves to be hindered or even constrained in the realization of our goals. Page 3 Both disks [2], which rotate in opposite directions, generate an electrostatic charge. This one disk represents the earth and the other represents the cloud. The charge is retained with grid electrodes. The charge is then collected and regulated contact free by the so-called keys. The disks run on their own after an initial turning by hand according to the electrostatic laws of repulsion and attraction. A rectifying diode holds them in tact, because the impulses of the forces of attraction and repulsion change and the disks would then turn faster and faster. The correct rotation speed is very important and the disks must turn quite slowly and undisturbed for optimal current generation. Energy is stored in the grid condensers and then uniformly released, after which the high voltage is reduced through additional equipment and the wattage [3] is simultaneously built up. The machine releases a continuous direct current, the output capacity of which is dependent on the size of the model. This machine produces a continuous output of three to four kilowatts, depending on air humidity, whereby the voltage fluctuates between 270 and 320 volts. High air humidity prevents the building up of the voltage. Dry air is the best. To be sure, a main goal has been reached with the already accomplished results. Free energy can be made usable. Yet our research projects continue. Much more work and time are needed until a model is developed, which can be handed over to laymen, i.e. everyone, without any danger. Much of this must appear impossible (even crazy) to the educated physicist. He may not take exception to the concepts we have employed to explain the entire project. We have partially drawn upon concepts of traditional physical terminology, in order to be able to explain and define more closely the manner of function and the characteristics of the individual machine parts. However, new concepts must actually be created, as we have already employed one concept, in that we designated the contact-less charge collection through grid electrodes as a keying device. This machine presents a difficult test for those who have been educated in traditional physics, for its mode of operation is not explainable (or is at least only partially explainable) by means of physical knowledge that has been known and recognized up to today. Yet an educated expert should also remain free and think independently, and he should not allow himself to be limited and restricted within the contemporary constrained framework of recognized specialty knowledge. It is to be considered that established science has often already found it necessary to amend or even give up some of its fundamental theses. Let us think about Galileo, to name only one example. This man was nearly burned at the stake as a socerer and magician by society, only because a truth he investigated and recognized was not acceptable to the educational wisdom at that time. Educational teachings are not wrong, but they are incomplete, and for that Page 4 reason there is the possibility of drawing false conclusions. We are standing in a new age that brings to light new realizations. The clothing of present day science has become too tight, and it should, as an insect larva, slip off its too tight skin, so that its metamorphosis can run its course. It should stand one day at the boundary (and with it the goal) of current earthly knowledge as a radiantly beautiful mature winged creature, a universal and boundless spiritual science, which will bless and fill renewed mankind with happiness. A universal development of man is, however, also necessary to that end. This is only possible, if man again learns to recognize his place in creation (and with it his duty), for all of creation is in a strict and tightly joined order, active according to the will and word of the Creator. Thus, man should also learn to recognize and realize the laws valid for him within all of creation; but the hard facts show us much more how far man has abstinately and self- grandizingly departed out of this divine order. With this he has become the actual originator of all chaos and evil on this planet. And the authorities, who would be responsible for the well-being of mankind, work all too often only towards the goal of making the lives of men to an increasing degree difficult and rendering any free spiritual development impossible. Advances in science and technology are carelessly and irresponsibly misused for the purposes of destruction and killing, instead of for building up and maintaining life, and these advances are becoming the curse of mankind. A new technology is not sufficient to change this situation, no matter how environmentally conscious or ingenious it may be. In order to change this, one must seize the evil at its root, which lies in the disposition of man. The ancient commandments of God still show mankind the way to this goal today, for the Prophet Micah says: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord required of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." -------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Translated by Cindy Simmons on March 18, 1992. [2] This can also be translated as wheel or plate. [3] This can also be translated in more general terms, such as output or capacity. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5